Sunday 2 August 2015


Welcome to my new blog, I've been planning on creating a blog to share my new love of paper crafting for years (ever since my love of paper crafting was new, sometime in 2009).

Yes I started this blog in 2013 and had NO posts, OK there was one, it said "Day One".

Yes I'm a procrastinator.

Yes my desk does look like this when I craft ... However Zelda is only an occasional assistant.

Yesterday I was accepted to be on a new design team ... The Kit and CaDoodle crew for Laura Denison Designs ... I am so excited for this opportunity  ... also a great incentive to actually start updating my blog.

One good thing about taking five years to actually start my blog means that I have five years worth of projects to display.

So today I'm going to post pictures of my first Laura kit, it was the Heritage Album. This was a page a month kit, we got the kit in January and for the next six months one of Laura's U-stream shows was dedicated to making a page in the album. All the pages are different shapes and different materials (chipboard, acrylic, canvas). One day I'm even going to put some old family pictures in this one.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! I have one but can't seem to keep up with it. He you have better luck😄😄
